I wonder what seperates this blog from other blogs. That is once you exclude spelling mistakes, and grammar that is bludgeoned to death comma after comma. It probably has little difference, Imitation comes first,
Looking over the past week, it's been another slow one. With four hours of lectures, I always think that my loan is going towards lecturers going to their regular lunch of champagne and cavier. I have little to do. Most people average about ten pages a day, and that should only take an hour and a bit, so it is easy to get bored.
Tuesday, I did a readthrough with people in my writing tv drama class. Some people didn't know what they were in for and it was fun, the night before I had been agonising about everything, it would sound terrible when real people say my lines. That was not the case and it was well received, laughs were where I wanted them to be and some people got into it (I got into it more than anyone). There was a byproduct of the read through which I feel never does me any good, and that is being told that something you have done is good and other compliments. Don't feed the ego. I always do or say something stupid because I get a high from it. It is the reason why I write, I suppose, I like to show people what I am capable of. It did remind me that I can make it. Several days later and I am back in my seat, having thoughts of insignificance. Despite knowing I am much better than others.
There were a few things to work on and now I have a few pages until I hit page 20, ready to hand in for this friday. Then I can finally focus on my screenplay, that I have been neglecting like a tramp. I want to write it but I have invested so much of my thoughts to my TV drama, that is just seems stale and I want to work more on the drama. Once I've got the pilot handed in, then I'll roll up my sleeves and get stuck in. Meanwhile, I've gone to writing lines for my characters in the film, to make them more interesting and less run of the mill. Not something that I normally do, but I've exhausted all my plot ideas and it is primarily just the characters that need to be sorted.
Other than that, I've been planning a play and having some more ideas about my sitcom, that will be written over Easter, in time for a read through before Uni breaks up for good.
Spending most of my time watching films as usual, recently watched Dark City which has opened up my mind for a few of my old ideas and flooding me with inspiration.
Writing is going to be a bigger challenge when I move back home, but it has to be done.
In other news, I'm planning on learning how to draw, to prepare for writing and drawing a web comic. Maybe more than one, just to get my name out there. Comic books is an area that I am keen to get into. Less to do with the Marvel and DC superhero stuff and more to do with Powers, Blacksad, Criminal, Hellboy, Conan etc. I just love the art of all of them, differing in styles drastically and the storylines are gripping.
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