Sunday, 3 April 2011

Winding down

University is in a state of suspension for three weeks as our easter holidays have begun. I pointed out to my mate earlier that is was only five weeks until we have to hand in our feature film scripts. Since yesterday, I've started working in the library to make some progress on my second draft. Over the weekend, I have spent ten hours in there and it is definitley not wasted time. So much progress, I have done more in the past two days, than I have over the past four months. Losing interest in recent staples of human life, such as Facebook, IMDB and Wikipedia.

The key in getting the work done though is going with another person, just so you're not too constrained to the work. Have a brief chat and continue working. Have something to eat and continue working. Read a magazine, go to the toilet. No worries about leaving your things unatteneded and it is in a very relaxed setting.

On a sidenote, I watched Source Code which whilst good and enjoyable, does not live up to Moon. Cannot say I blme Duncan Jones' choice of film, it was just the ending that took the edge off, he needs a few more films to be a top director. I've been a fan since day one, so I'll probably see whatever he makes.

My entire area has become quiet as students have descended upon their homes to raid the fridges of their parents. It is something else, all the live of the city feels like it has disipitated and every time I step out of my house, I feel like I'm in the beginning of a zombie movie.

I have five more days in the library before I descend on the fridge of my parents. I have no exact expectations but in a writerly sense put one foot in front of the other, or rather one word in front of the other and get it done.

I started rereading The Devils Guide to Hollywood by Joe Eszterhas, the kind of book I love, full of gossip driven anecdotes, something you can pick up and read at any point. It just has a breath of fresh air next to other screenwriting books of any kind. Truly funny and worth picking up every once in a while, just to remind myself that the screenwriter does not have to be a bitch for his/her employers.

"Some screenwriters hate actors.
Author/screenwriter William Saroyan hated Marlon Brando. He had his reasons.

1. When he was a young man, Saroyan discovered that Brando had seduced his wife, Carol.
2. When he was an old man, Saroyan discovered that Brando had seduced his daughter, Lucy."

Well, okay, sometimes. Good night everyone.

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