Monday, 16 April 2012

I have nothing to say anymore

I usually write a blog post a month.

These are moments of my text that breaths catharsis and distill a sense of meditation in every reader (all one of you). But, deep down, we know that's not fucking true.

Sure, I can do a ranting blog. That would mean, I would need to take a break from my exile from the world outside my door, that is asking a lot.

I could write in a vague, abstract way of what I am doing, or might not. I'm probably lying. "Hey, I'm getting closer to my target" to "oh fuck sticks, I'm not getting closer to my target" all the way through purposefully not mentioning my endgame, because quite honestly THERE ISN'T ONE.

And another thing, who the fuck are all you people from Asia and Europe and Australia, and why are you reading my blog. Now I know that blogs are open for anyone, the question is why bother reading mine.

In my last blog post, it was about Lovefilm. Something is very broken with that. There is no structure to this blog and I might let it continue that way.

As of right now, I have fuck all to say. Now, I know you all want my opinion on a 3d projection of Tupac. I would have preferred a plasticine version, we shall never talk on this subject ever again.

I want to be a professional writer, but lack the ability to consistently follow a word with another word so that a story emerges.

Before I finish this detailed, yet slightly ambiguous post I have one more thing to say.

The Word of the day is Hegemony.

Who the fuck in Singapore wants to read this shit?

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