Friday, 1 June 2012

I love cigarettes and other short stories

I don't know if I dreamed about this last night, but might have been smoking. In the dream. It is by far the most relaxing recurring dream I have ever had. In real life I consider it a filthy habit, that as far as lungs are consider are akin to trying to give CPR to Weezer from Pokémon. Let me describe the scene, I am casually smoking a cigarette surrounding by a black abyss and the smoke is clear to see. Yes, I am wearing clothes, but that is not the point. Then again, there might not be a point.

Anyway, I turned a year older a week ago and immediately started a full time job. To make it short and sweet until another in depth post: it is school. Working in an office is school all over again, those people who you left there as you went on to meet people at university who were just like you (all of you thinking, where were these people in school?) and you didn't look back? Well they just stepped to your right and as you turn, there they are. Wunderbar. I did not miss them. The money is the consolation prize. More importantly, these are people ripe for poaching for writing. You know what? That is their own damn fault. People that are too lazy, are get away with other people doing their job every day. Someone who refuses to be wrong, even in the case of Killer Bees exisiting. Numerous fag breaks being abused as the non-smokers (in real life) are left to get on with the work. I have to keep telling myself this is a milestone and I am making money. But money has always felt unimportant to me.

So to sum up the last paragraph, work is like being back at school, and I am a University Graduate. What does that mean? I am above such petty things, aside from doing impressions and accents and goading people to moan about others. Am I a puppet master or just one of them.

I saw Black Sabbath in Birmingham, it was amazing.

I am back to wearing shoes, there is no novelty to wear off.

I feel connected to my friends from university through blogs, just as we were at Uni.

I am now at a point in my life, where I have to figure out how to plan my spare time. It isn't easy, but I've pretty much done a first draft of a sitcom just without the jokes.

I wake up at 5:40 every weekday. Do you want to know the last time I had to regularly got up at that time? Never.

I've pretty much stopped reading comics, I can't explain why. It is something that was a huge part of my second decade, now I just don't care.

The Raid is one of my top films so far this year alongside Avengers and The Grey (Stole my TV drama title).

I find it ironic that Laura has lots of free time and I don't. It was never like that at Uni.

I used to be a slacker, now I yearn for that role to return to me.

Brightside - Writing more.

Darkside - Watching less.

I'm going to be making short films in the future. My wages will most definitely be the budget, I am fine with that. I have no other information apart from that.

I know how to write one of my tv shows and one of my novels. One will suck, it will be the novel. The TV show, could be interesting, probably preachy.

Oh, and Laura really should reply to my texts.

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