Sunday, 15 July 2012

The best script I've read this year

I've read a lot of scripts and a couple of plays over the past two months. Since I'm taking a sabbatical from prose and non-fiction and spending a year just reading scripts (10 months to go!)

I have about twenty pages to go in the best script I've read this year* and it is a pretty great film by James Mangold. Copland. Go read it.

This is saying a lot, because I have read some fantastic scripts this year:

Thank You for Smoking
Michael Clayton
American Beauty

and a couple of great plays:
Farragut North
The Farnsworth Invention

When I read scripts, I am benefitting from it. I have several books on how to write screenplays, barely got through Syd Field and I never read the rest.

Thank fully I have plenty of scripts to get me through the next ten months. Including China Town, Taxi Driver, Batman Begins, Memento, Out of Sight and loads more. Plus lots of plays by Pinter, Mamet, Mcdonagh and a Sorkin.

On a side note, since I have started working at my job, three people have left my department (granted one of them I replaced) but that says a lot about where I work. Everybody hates it here, except the people who will die here.

*best script I've read this year so far.

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