Thursday, 21 March 2013


My mind is on. It is weird how something in your psyche clicks. You tell yourself that your time is now, and just work away to get something done. I have set myself the task of getting a screenplay written by next sunday. So far, I have done two treatments, each going into more detail than the last.

This is a new process for me. I will be doing a third and final treatment, this will probably mean I will miss my deadline. That is fine, when I write with final draft, I can do 20 pages a day. I just type the shit out of it and then notice it is terrible.

What do we say to the god of mediocrity? Not today.

I've learnt lessons from not writing as much as I have from writing. In my first few attempts at writing, I copied.

Now I feel I am willing to such for my own voice. This is something that other writers need to do. Make peace with the fact that you will never write like your idols.

I have camera angles, lighting all in my head. Because my first script lack detail and a lot of talk. I think the sparse detail is a weakness, as is my disregard for some sort of emotional character arc for Prog.

The one thing that hurts me as a writer is this: not everything will be made. I'll have to make peace with that, much like I have with not trying or failing.

Anyway, I am going to write an amazing script.

I've done the research, I've pretty much figure out the entire story and the different plotlines. Too sound cocky, I think it has something to say about day to day life and some fucking hilarious moments.

I've probably said this before, but I don't talk about projects that haven't been written yet. This one is ready to burst out of me now. It's been a long time coming, and I have many more writing projects to get through.

I know the chief weakness of my script, but it is the easiest part to change. I'll keep working on that in between other projects until it works.

I intend it to be the second film, I ever make.

The first, well, that'll be the third screenplay I write this year. Then I have two collaborations on screenplays planned for the following year.


  1. It is Sunday. Did you finish the first draft?

  2. I meant the sunday coming up. It may prove longer to do. It will be done.

    I just have to remember to put in %100, rather than be distracted by other things.
