Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Holding off the inevitable

Yes, I'm still working on that script. Rather I am organising the story. I don't think doing it is hard, just inherent laziness. I need to approach writing in the way I would approach exercise. By this I mean, write in reps. It is not about writing something fantastic, but make sure you get the form right and move onto the next one.

This job is getting a bit too much for me and I'd rather write for a living. So I'll write for reps and worm my way out of responsibility.

Sunday, 21 April 2013

100 Failures

I am not planning on succeeding at anything at the moment. However I am planning on failing at a hundred things. This is simply inverting my thought process and making the goal more manageable.

The reason for this is that consecutively failing would make me a better person, than focusing on getting things 100% right.

99% perspiration, 1% inspiration.

It's a hard graft

I hoped to write 30 pages Saturday and another 30 Sunday. However, it is not that easy. I've used to do 20 a day. I've done 30 once. I rewrote 80 pages in one sitting.

Today I did 7 pages. I planned on doing more. It is a great start though. I think it is possible to write 7 pages a day, everyday. Until the end of the year, it should be possible.

I hate that what is in my head does not translate well on paper. Reps. Reps will make a difference. Build the muscle, then up the endurance.

I started taking MCT oil last week, and my mind is working like it did when I didn't have a job and was free to think about writing. Another case was in lectures, I would get inspired and write furiously. I fucking love the minor brain hacks that I have implemented. Although, I've been getting lazy diet wise. Making a few excuses.

Two and a half weeks and I'll have the first feature length screenplay in years. Then I'll write a short film. Then I'll rewrite the feature, then the short. Then alternate those two projects. Mixing 100 metre sprint and a 10,000 metre race. It works when I read a fiction and non-fiction book simultaneously, so there should be no reason why I am incapable of succeeding with writing.

Another day in the project called my life.

Blogs exist as public diaries. People want you to know about their mind, they just don't want to talk to you about it in real life. Some fucking psychologist chair, the blog is.

Thursday, 18 April 2013

The muse

You know when those ideas come flowing out of you from no where and it all makes sense. It is fantastic.

Don't forget one thing, you will have to write it thousands of times. So many times, that it will feel artificial. It'll be fresh for others.

Think of it in the way that diamonds can now be artificially made. That is writing.

Tuesday, 9 April 2013


It's weird to come back to the same scene over and over again, yet never writing it in script form.

At the moment, I'm using an iOS app that is essentially index cards on a cork board. So I am laying out all my scenes out, and stacking cards for different things.

Such as who are involved, what happens, what is the location, where is the conflict and details.

So far I'm on scene 6. It's a grind, but bird by bird, it is coming together. I'm allowing more space in a scenes. I am building up Act 1.

Of course, in the back of my head I am scared that I suck and this idea sucks, the script will suck.

I have to just push through. My god, this is such a difficult thing.

On a side note, I got to read three horror shorts from some friends. I'm really impressed and glad to see that they're still trying, it just reminds me that I am not alone in trying to get something done.

I cannot wait to see what they make as one of them will become a short.

Back to the index cards.

Saturday, 6 April 2013

Enter the Dragon

"What's your style?"
"You can call it the art of fighting, without fighting"

Just change the word fighting with screenwriting and that is where I am at the moment. Planning the shit out of this script, even the littlest things. I am finding it evolve without writing any dialogue.

Structure is really helping me about how to present the story. Without rewriting draft after draft, this make the whole process easier. Despite being the stuck in the same part of the process from the beginning, it is working for me.

The story is almost completely laid out. The characters are almost defined. I'm not sure if using the monomyth will work for me in the long run. The idea is to find my own version of structure.

Never rush a story, because you'll have a run of the mill piece of shit, a ghost of the influences.

Look for the things that separates your idea from others and maximise that, minimise the clichés, influences and homage. I don't want to see a film that references other films for two hours.

Show me something new.